
07 Apr 2019


South Australia


We started off early at Tea Tree Plaza with 10 cars. The Minetts arrived and Trudy was suitably dressed for our “fairies” cruise, only to find out it was a “ferries” cruise not a “fairies” cruise (but she looked very nice!!)

We wound our way through the Adelaide Hills via Chain of Ponds, Gumeracha, Birdwood, Tungkillo, Palmer and onto the Mannum Foreshore for a delicious morning tea full of Helen’s goodies.

After a short stop at Mannum we headed to the ferries for our first crossing. It was then onto Purnong where we had to wait for a short time because the ferry could only take 8 cars. Our next stop was at Walker Flat, again we needed 2 ferries to accommodate our numbers. From Walker Flat we drove on to Swan Reach where we all enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Swan Reach Hotel and admired the great river views.

The roads we travelled along were in very good condition and we covered 311 kms altogether. On our way home several of us visited the Lyndoch Bakery for the second week in a row, then all headed home on our separate ways.

All in all we had an awesome day and we thank all the members who came and made it such a good day. 

Northside Sheetmetal
J Barbaro & Sons
Kemp Propulsion Systems

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