Events 2017
2017 was another eventful year for the club!
Please see the below past events for highlights and photos from each event that the club has held this year.
You can also review our past newsletters for stories on the events we have enjoyed in 2017:
~ Just Cruising - March 2017 ~ Just Cruising - June 2017 ~ Just Cruising - August 2017 ~ Just Cruising - October 2017 ~ Just Cruising - December 2017 ~
Past Events of 2017
President's Cruise 2017
Date: 15 Jan 2017
Location: Port Broughton
We had a great turn out for the first cruise of 2017, 18 cars in total. We met at Bunnings Munno Para before heading off and out along Port Wakefield Road towards Port Broughton. We detoured through Kadina due to road works but had a problem free run. We parked along the waterfront and found a shady spot where we all set up for a picnic lunch.
Several members had a game of cricket and a few ventured over to the adult playground where they attempted to do some exercises. Everyone seemed relaxed and enjoying themselves. It was a great day even though the President was confused and told everyone we were going to one place and then took everyone somewhere else.
Tunarama Festival
Date: 28 Jan 2017
Location: Port Lincoln
Our 5 day cruise away to Port Lincoln was so much fun, we met at the Whitehorse Inn before heading out through Port Wakefield towards Port Augusta. We stopped at Whyalla for lunch and a bit of shopping before heading off again. Our final stop was the Coffin Bay Caravan Park where we were all booked in to the lovely cabins.
On day 2 (Australia Day) we held a club breakfast at the caravan park picnic area in the gazebo, we enjoyed bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, snags, toast and coffee. After breakfast we went for a drive through the National Park before heading back to the cabins to freshen up before dinner at the Marina Hotel Port Lincoln. Unfortunately, one of our members became unwell and ended up in hospital, which was not good, but we all kept tabs on her and she recovered enough to make the trip home to rest and recoup and is doing ok.
On day 3 we changed our itinerary and everyone did their own thing, some fishing, some sleeping, some eating ice-cream, some doing nothing at all! We all gathered at the foreshore for a BBQ tea that night, where we enjoyed the beautiful scenery watching the boats come in and the sun go down.
On day 4 it was time to head into Port Lincoln to watch the Tunarama Parade. Here we spent the day walking around, checking out all the market stalls and watching the Tuna tossing. We met up for a late lunch at the Port Lincoln Hotel where we enjoyed our meals in the amazing front room, which opened up to fantastic sea views. Several of the guys finished off the day with a spot of fishing before retiring to bed.
Day 5 was a busy and hot day, we packed up all our goods and chattels before heading out on our way back to Adelaide. We made lots of stops along the way, Streaky Bay and Tumby Bay, before having a longer than anticipated stop at Port Augusta due to a few mechanical problems.
Overall, this trip was one of the most enjoyable trips the club has done, with most members already asking for the next one to be planned!
Slot Car Race Meet
Date: 18 Feb 2017
Location: Thunderbird Slot Racing
A few keen racers met at Thunderbirds for some slot car racing. A great venue with multiple tracks, they kindly arranged a race meet for the club. With 9 racers racing 3 minutes per lane and the winner with the highest total number of laps.
A great fun event for something different, we look forward to the next race meet!
Edinburgh Auto Expo
Date: 30 Apr 2017
Location: Edinburgh Air Force Base
The meeting point was the old Bunnings at Munno Para. From there it was a short cruise to the Edinburgh Air Force Base where the show and shine was being held. After a short delay getting in and finding our spot we were all set up and ready to enjoy a day looking at the awesome cars and having a good look at the military museum and riding on the old military vehicles. A big thankyou to everyone attended the event.
Mannum Breakfast Cruise
Date: 13 May 2017
Location: Mannum
We had a good turnout for the Mannum Breakfast Cruise even though it was a little chilly and an early start.
We had a good run with only a few bikes out on the Rd, it didn’t take long before we arrived at our destination, the Mannum Motel.
Once we all finished and had a coffee we headed off for a walk along the water front.
Everyone that was out and about were in good spirits, some of our members were in such good spirits they even played in the playground.
We all regrouped in the carpark before saying our farewells and heading off in different directions, some headed North, some headed South and some headed to the shops. A nice morning had by everyone!
Wadhams Chocolate Cruise
Date: 20 May 2017
Location: Adelaide metro and hills
Our 2017 Chocolate Cruise began at Centro Arndale Shopping Centre where we had 11 cars participating.
Our first stop was Magnus Fruit Company where we were greeted by the owners with some delicious Lindt chocolates. Many purchases were made so we had to remind members to “pace” themselves as there were more places to visit. The owners presented us with a box of goodies for the club.
Next stop was Robern Menz at Glynde. We were offered some tasty samples and 10% discount on all purchases. Again everyone bought plenty and the parking was easy!!
Then we travelled onto Haigh’s at Parkside where we met up with 2 more members so now we had 13 cars.
Next stop was Beerenberg Strawberry Farm then onto the Lobethal Bakery for lunch.
A number of members dispersed from here while others travelled a short distance back to Melba’s Chocolates where we were greeted with a sign on the blackboard at the front door welcoming us.
It had been a great day and we hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we did! Once again don’t blame us for any extra calories gained on the day!!
Secretary’s Birthday Cruise
Date: 11 Jun 2017
Location: Fleurieu Peninsula
For this cruise we met at the Mile Home Maker Centre and from there we headed up towards McLaren Vale for lunch. We cruised down Brighton road and then onto the Esplanade. We stopped at one of the lookouts along the Esplanade to enjoy the amazing views and get some photos of our beautiful cars and the ocean. When we arrived at McLaren Vale we visited the Menz Chocolate factory to stock up on chocolate and some famous fruchocs. The staff at the Menz factory were amazing, giving us a brief history of Menz and also some free samples. For lunch we went to the Tin Shed café, the food there was fantastic. After lunch we went for another short drive to The Lloyd Brothers olive grove and winery. The winery had amazing views and a really nice picnic area including a pond. The birthday girl handed out her lolly bags to the people who were leaving. After we left the winery we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have some fun on old Willunga Hill road and through the hills on our way back to Adelaide. A really big thank you to everyone who came along, it was a lot of fun.
Progressive Dinner
Date: 24 Jun 2017
Location: Members Homes
What a great fun night we had on our multicultural progressive dinner cruise!
The red, green and white balloons on the letterbox at the first house marked the start of the evening. Once inside we found photos, useful phrases and words like ciao, grazie, prego etc and of course the delicious pizzas and pasta. We finished off our adventure with an Italian song that we learnt and after lots of laughs and good food we then set off to the next house for Greek mains!
So much more yummy food here, how could we possibly fit in a taste of everything? But we did! We enjoyed stuffed tomatoes, stuffed capsicums, cabbage rolls, halava, fried haloumi, yiros sausages all served with every Greek condiment imaginable. All of this while we listened to Greek music in front of the patio heaters. Wonderful Greek decorations everywhere.
Then, just when we thought we would burst, out came the Aussie sweets; Jelly Slice, Pavlova, and Lamingtons. All while a bit of good old Aussie rock played in the background.
Thank you to all who joined in to make it a great night, enjoyed by hosts and visitors alike!!!!
Quiz Night
Date: 05 Aug 2017
Location: Elizabeth Football Club
On the 5th August we held our 2nd Annual Quiz Night Fundraiser at the Elizabeth Football Club hosted by Quizmaster Michael Agostino. It was a full house again which was very pleasing especially when it was so cold and there were so many viruses going around. We had some great silent auction items kindly donated by our members and prizes were a plenty. Everyone got into the spirit of things and you all seemed to enjoy the activities and being challenged with some very tricky questions.
I would like to send out a big THANK YOU to Pat Watson from the Elizabeth Football Club who made the venue available and opened the bar on the night for all our thirsty quizzers. Thank you to everyone that attended and made the night a success, this is now one of our main club fundraisers and it certainly keeps us on the map financially whilst having some fun along the way.
Meguiars Trade Night
Date: 09 Aug 2017
Location: autObarn Gilles Plains
Instead of being at our usual place for our general meeting, we were at autObarn Gilles Plains for a demo night with the guys from Meguiars Motoractive. On the night the guys showed off some of their products and how to use them with a buff machine. After the demo was over the store was opened up to the club members to have a look around and take advantage of some discounts on offer during the night. A big thank you too all the club members that come and made the night a success.
Lifestyle Winter Cruise
Date: 12 Aug 2017
Location: Adelaide
We had a healthy group of 9 cars set off from Bunnings Parafield for this cruise. Heading down towards semaphore we made our way along the coastline and eventually turning inland and arriving at castle plaza for the initial meet with everyone else at the lifestyle motorsport society where another member met us making 10 cars.
After an hour mingling and looking at all the cars that were parked we set off to Newton shopping centre carpark which was destination 2 of 4 for the night, another 3 members met there. This carpark was very dark which made it difficult to have a look around, most of us decided we had seen enough and dispersed from there. This type of cruise was different to what we are used to but was still enjoyed by all. We will definitely revisit this type of cruise once the warmer months come along with daylight savings as it will be more enjoyable being out and about in the evening!!
Darren’s Big Day Out
Date: 20 Aug 2017
Location: Smiling Samoyed Brewery
On a cold but clear Chicago morning, 9 pilgrims gathered for the journey of a lifetime. The Foodland at Frewville was the meeting point, and even though it was Sunday, Father Pat was in attendance with world traveller Cassie, for the Red Stangs debut run. Amongst the starters were Ben, Pete and Helen, Brett and Declan, Paul and Trudy, Pat and Cassie, Liam (on his second cruise with the club), your hosts Darren and Lauren, along with an interloper in a blue XR6.
We made our way up Glen Osmond Road, then onto the freeway, before turning off at the Stirling exit. We travelled through Aldgate, onto Echunga, Meadows, before hitting what I believe is the best road in SA, Bull Creek Road. I believe it was designed by the makers Forza 4. Long, sweeping bends, hard accelerating corners, but driven responsibly and adhering to speed limits at all times. After all that responsible driving, we needed a break, so pulled over for coffee and twinkles at the shopping centre at Goolwa. It was quite chilly here, and isn't wasn't long before we headed off for a lap of Victor and waited for Matt to arrive after losing the interloper.. Someone had slept in...we then travelled West like the Cowboys did, but instead of searching for gold, we went hunting for a Ferry. After a scenic cruise, we pulled up at Cape Jervis, to witness the ferry just departing.
Another brief stop for coffee, we were surprised that the gift shop sold beanies with New York logos on them. I'm guessing the KI embroidered ones are on sale in NY. 45 minutes later, we hit our destination in Myponga, walked thru the markets, before entering the Smiling Samoyed Brewery. It was a great feast, good company, and we tasted a couple of good brews. A fun day was enjoyed by all, before a drive home saw the heavens open, wetting the cars for the long journey.
~ Darren ~
All Ford Day SA
Date: 17 Sep 2017
Location: Bonython Park
The annual All Ford Day was held again at Bonython Park this year. The weather was perfect and sunny, with over 2,000 visitors through the gates it made for a very successful day for all involved. We had 22 cars in our club display with 7 trophies won just from our club. Congratulations to the following winning members; Thank you to those who helped out with preparation on the Saturday and also with various jobs on the day, it all helped make the day run smoothly. Being our first club car display it was very daunting but with the great team we have, made it a pleasurable day.
Brett Moseley - Winner - FPV-GT-FG & Winner - Blue Ribbon Plastic Bumper
Peter Bransden - Winner - Falcon FG X
Sue Hadwen - Winner - Mustang Plastic Bumper
Pat Kerton - Runner Up - FPV-GT-FG
Judy Geier - Runner Up - FG
John Moyle - Runner Up - BA
Thank you to those who helped out with preparation on the Saturday and also with various jobs on the day, it all helped make the day run smoothly. Being our first club car display it was very daunting but with the great team we have, made it a pleasurable day.
Annual Go Karts
Date: 21 Oct 2017
Location: Fast Karts Pooraka
On Saturday night we had our annual Go Cart Grand Prix held at Fast Karts Pooraka. We had 14 carts in the race that consisted of 1 x 10 lap qualifying race followed by 4 x 10 lap races.
There was some serious racing with a few collisions but overall it was a fun night had by all. After the final races the lap times were calculated to work out the overall winners. First place went to Pete, second place went to Connor and third place was a tie between Declan and Zac!
A big thank you to all involved whether it being in the Grand Prix or just coming out to support the event by being a spectator, we thank you all.
Pete and Kelly Bransden
Placings; 1 st Pete, 2nd Connor, Equal 3rd Declan and Zac, 4th Brett, 5th Sean, Equal 6th Michael and Luke, 7th Liam, 8th AJ, 9th Paul, 10th Josh, 11th Stewart, 12th Angas.
Halloween SMASA Cruise
Date: 28 Oct 2017
Location: Adelaide
We had a great turnout for this Spooktacular Cruise with 17 cars attending. The initial meet was at Hungry Jacks Parafield where we stayed for a while and admired each other’s costumes. From there we had a short trip to Ingle Farm Shopping Centre where SMASA were meeting before the start of their annual Halloween Cruise. There were hundreds of cars and lots of scary costumes to look at which was fantastic. After an hour or so it was time to set off on the cruise. The roads were very busy with new and old cars alike as we made our way to Fulham Gardens Shopping Centre via Glenelg. After parking in the carpark there were other opportunities to have a good look around to check out the cool rides. From there we said our goodbyes and made our way home. A big thank you to everyone who dressed up and dressed up their cars.
In the Army Show n Shine
Date: 26 Nov 2017
Location: Warradale Army Barracks
We had a great turnout for this show with 13 cars meeting at castle plaza. It was a relatively early start but everyone was keen for this event as no one had attended it before. Hosted by the Horsepower Crew who were very organised and grateful for our clubs attendance. There was a short drive from Edwardstown to the Warradale Army Barracks where we were shown onto the oval to our area to set up. Everybody pitched in to help set up and from there we prepared our cars ready for the public. There was a good mix of car clubs and trade stalls which gave us and the public some variety to pass the time. Trevor and Deb also brought a TV so we could watch the V8’s!
Towards the end of the day they had the trophy presentation, we were very lucky to have picked up 3 trophies, Sue for “best numberplate”, Brett for a “sponsors choice” and the club won “best club display”. Following this we packed up the marquee and display and said our goodbyes, Thank you to the members that helped with bringing flags/marquees etc, it was much appreciated!! Overall an enjoyable day was had by all.
Hosted by Brett Moseley
Cruise for Charity
Date: 02 Dec 2017
Location: Wigley Reserve
Thank you to those who came along and braved the rain for the first meeting point at Wigley Reserve Glenelg. There was a huge turnout at the oval and the club was represented with 3 cars displaying. At about 7pm we followed the cruise route through the hills ended up at The Showgrounds. Hopefully next year we can get a better turnout. A big thanks to Kate and Josh too for helping me out with Piper.
Hosted by Kylie Williams
Club Christmas Dinner
Date: 09 Dec 2017
Location: Adelaide
We were all thrilled to spend another wonderful Christmas at the Redman Manor, where we were warmly welcomed buy our wonderful hosts Don, Kate & family. We made our way out into the courtyard where our hosts had arranged an amazing set up with a huge long table decorated with candles, Christmas decorations and overhead fairy lights. The smells coming from the kitchen were amazing and made us all drool and our taste buds dance! We enjoyed refreshments and a good old yarn while we waited for everyone to arrive and settle in.
We even had a surprise visit from a very different looking Father Christmas and his very tired reindeer Rudolph who kept trying to lie down. Father Christmas was getting very cranky with Rudolph for going to sleep on the job but the kids didn’t mind they were pleased to see him and loved their Christmas presents.
Everyone enjoyed the huge selection of nibbles, meats, vegetables & condiments followed by some very indulgent desserts which included a soft serve machine which was a huge hit with everyone. It was a lovely evening hosted by two of the most wonderful people who opened up their home and ensured everyone had the best time.
Eligible Cars

FG XR6 & XR8

F6 Typhoon


Focus ST




Mustang GT


Capri RS3100

Capri Clubsprint

Mondeo XR5

Mustang 2006

Sierra RS Cosworth

Force 6 & 8

F6 Tornado



FPV BF Pursuit

Fiesta ST

Escort RS2000

Focus XR5

Fiesta XR4

AU XR6 & XR8

EL XR8 & XR6


EF XR6 Wagon

Focus RS