Events 2020
2020 started off as a busy year, unfortunately due to the COVID world events we had to put a hold on all events for a few months.
However, since June we were active again. We started off with our COVID Comeback cruises and it is great to be back out on the road again!
Feel free to check out the newsletters from 2020, and previous years, to see what our very active club gets up to.
All upcoming events are also posted in Upcoming Events.
~ Just Cruising - Feb 2020 ~ Just Cruising - COVID Comeback 2020 ~ Just Cruising - Oct 2020 ~ Just Cruising - Dec 2020 ~
Past Events of 2020
COVID Comeback Cruise - Barossa Round 1
Date: 13 Jun 2020
Location: Barossa
*Hosted by Paul and Trudy Minett
I’ve renamed the cruise the bruise cruise, as every car was either Black or Blue or Grey.With the weather looking awful, there was every reason to stay in bed and leave our pride and joys tucked away in the garage. But with the club cruise split in two for Covid, 10 cars and 18 brave souls assembled at Munno Para. Connor had planned a cruise and asked Trudy and myself to lead it.
We headed up to Kersbrook through fog so thick you could only see the car in front if they braked, then on to Mount Pleasant and Eden Valley. Anyone thinking that we would head up the sleepy Barossa Highway was soon pleasantly surprised by the route of tight bends and long straights. We finished with a spectacular vista across the Barossa Valley as we descended into Tanunda. We finished with coffee and cake (and some shopping for some) in a warm spot at Wholers in Tanunda.
Once again thanks to Connor for the great route.
COVID Comeback Cruise - Curvy Round 1
Date: 13 Jun 2020
Location: Adelaide Hills
*Hosted by Connor and Caitlin
With our first cruise back I had hoped for clear skies and sun beating down onto our clean cars but mother nature had something else in mind and decided to welcome us back to our cruising lifestyle with rain and fog. We had 8 cars and 12 people attend the cruise and as we ventured up towards the freeway and around the devils elbow we were greeted with the thick fog.
Not being able to see a great deal everyone was taking it easy and the fog also split us up and a couple of members got lost. After some time we all regrouped and were back on our way. Whilst taking our time on the wet roads members still enjoyed the twists and turns that I had instore. After about 2 hours of driving we had arrived in Mount Barker and made our way to Millies bakery where members indulged in coffees, hot chocolates and cakes.
Thanks to everyone who braved the weather and came along with me.
Bakery Cruise
Date: 08 Feb 2020
Location: All over!
The bakery cruise started off at Munno Para where we ventured to our first bakery of the day, St Peters Bakehouse at Ridgehaven! It was a great start to the day with some grabbing coffees and cakes while others got stuck into a classic meat pie and sausage roll.
We then were back on the road. Heading through some windy roads and after the bushfires it was great to see some of the surrounding nature starting to regrow. We were now in Hahndorf and inside of the German Cake Shop. With welcoming staff, we were seated on two big tables and surrounded by old antiques to look at while we waited for lunch. For lunch some members stuck with the meat pie and sausage rolls but others took a culinary detour and got something a little different.
Once we had all finished our lunch and cakes we set off to our third and final bakery of the day. This time instead of taking the windy roads we chose a more relaxing route with long sweeping corners. After waiting for the painful traffic on Main South Road we all arrived at the Home Grain Bakery in Aldinga. Here the club was kind enough to buy each member that came a drink of their choice, and to accompany these drinks members bought cakes, ranging from the most delicious vanilla slice to donuts with sprinkles. This was a great destination to finish our day and as everyone had said their goodbyes we headed home with full tummies and enough pastry to last a lifetime.
Thank you to everyone that came, and I hope you had a great day. Until next time, keep on cruising!
Heartkids Show ‘n Shine
Date: 01 Feb 2020
Location: Adelaide
We received an invitation very late via e-mail for this event. It didn’t leave a lot of time to get numbers together but we did manage to get 6 Cars to attend, which was great.
Many thanks to Sue, Pat, Juanita, Daniel, Pete and Helen for attending. Thank you also to Pete and Helen for bringing the Club trailer.
The show is still very new and they are gaining momentum in trying to get a lot more car clubs involved. There were around 40-50 other cars there, Corvettes, Holdens, Chryslers, Nissan and a few older cars. The event was well run. They are working on making it bigger and better next year and it would be a good event to support on our annual calendar.
Congratulations to Daniel for his raffle win, even after he had ditched his raffle tickets thinking there was no more draws. There is evidence of him climbing back into the wheelie bin after the tickets.
Next years event is already set for 7th February 2021 so keep it free!
Forktree Brewery Cruise
Date: 25 Jan 2020
Location: Carrickalinga
We had beautiful weather and a great turnout of 12 cars and 20 people for the run to Forktree Brewing at Carrickalinga.
Deciding to take a few roads less travelled we departed the Mile End Homemaker Centre at 10:15 or thereabouts and started off on one of our usual routes up the freeway and exiting at Stirling. From then on, we cruised through Heathfield, Cherry Gardens and eventually stopping at Kangarilla for a bit of a break and stretch of the legs. The timing was ideal as the Tour Down Under crews were heading in the opposite direction creating a bit of excitement, although the riders weren’t due to ride past for another hour or so.
From then on, we continued through to Wickham Hill and Range Roads in the hills above McLaren Vale with some great views over the area. Wickham Hill Road is one we should put in our memory banks for future cruises – nice a quiet and a great uphill winding road, always good for the cars (and us).
After a few more twists and turns – and trying not to get people lost - we eventually arrived at the Myponga Reservoir lookout for great photo opportunity and video as it turned out – thanks Robyn and Brett, the video of the cars cruising across the top of the dam wall is pretty cool. From there it was about another 10 minutes drive to Forktree Brewing where we had a nice relaxing lunch and a beverage or two. I highly recommend the Steak Sandwich and Sunset Ale.
After filling our bellies at Forktree we cruised back via Normanville and Yankalilla and stopped for dessert/coffee at Becks bakehouse at Port Noarlunga. Thanks to everyone that turned out and hopefully a great day out was had by all.
Presidents Cruise 2019
Date: 11 Jan 2020
Location: Adelaide Hills / Barossa
We had a fantastic turnout of 13 cars for the annual President’s Cruise.
Newton Central was our meeting spot for this cruise and it turned out to be fantastic weather on the day. Upon departure we quickly left suburbia after heading up Montague road and into the hills. We had a nice combination of really windy roads including Corkscrew Rd (which speaks for itself!!) Gorge road, as well as some nice open sweeping ones (which were a bit more relaxing).
After reaching Birdwood, we continued through Mount Pleasant, Springton, Eden Valley, Angaston and finally reaching our destination at Seppeltsfield Winery.
We found a great place to park right near our lunch spot and proceeded to set up for our picnic. We had a great shady spot to have lunch and relax, we even had dessert in the form of cupcakes for Connors birthday!! Thank you to the other members who brought tasty treats along to share.
After lunch a few members went off to taste some wine, a few other members preferred to kick the footy and there may have been some napping also!!
After some time we decided it was time to head out and proceeded to pack up. We all went off in different directions as some decided to visit other areas in the Barossa while for some they had enough for one day and headed home. Thanks to those who came along and enjoyed the day.
Eligible Cars

FG XR6 & XR8

F6 Typhoon


Focus ST




Mustang GT


Capri RS3100

Capri Clubsprint

Mondeo XR5

Mustang 2006

Sierra RS Cosworth

Force 6 & 8

F6 Tornado



FPV BF Pursuit

Fiesta ST

Escort RS2000

Focus XR5

Fiesta XR4

AU XR6 & XR8

EL XR8 & XR6


EF XR6 Wagon

Focus RS