Events 2019
2019 was another great year of exciting events for the club!
Please see the below past events for highlights and photos from each event that the club has held this year.
You can also review our past newsletters for stories on the events we have enjoyed in 2019.
FPV & XR Club of SA - Just Cruising Newsletters:
~ February 2019 ~ April 2019 ~ June 2019 ~ August 2019 ~ October 2019 ~ December 2019 ~
(Click each month to open the Newsletter as a pdf)
Past Events of 2019
FPV&XR Christmas Dinner 2019
Date: 14 Dec 2019
Location: Adelaide
Well once again Christmas Dinner was a huge success, the weather was perfect (maybe a bit chilly for a swim) but lovely to sit outside and enjoy the festivities.
Trudy and Robyn out did themselves yet again with an amazing array of food, delicious and in abundance, enough for seconds and then some.
The Secret Santa was a hit, it was funny to see what present everyone ended up with and the joy on everyone’s faces. From chocolates, to books even a toilet basketball set, everyone ended up with something they wouldn’t have bought themselves. Stay tuned for next year, ideas are already on the drawing board! We also all got presents from the club, mugs with our cars on them, I think I can say everyone loved them and some vowing not to even use them. Reports back say that they are perfect to drink out of.
Robyn and Brett’s reintroduction of the trophies was a highlight and I like to think I inspired this with my U turn on my first time hosting a cruise. There’s a list below of all the trophy winners, so everyone better be on their best behaviour over the coming year or you never know what you might end up with.
The raffle was also drawn on the night, congratulations to Paul and Juanita for taking home the prizes.
Goolwa South Coast Cruise
Date: 01 Dec 2019
Location: Goolwa
An excellent turn out for the first cruise of the summer season. We had 21 people in 13 cars meet at Mile End Homemaker Centre. Welcome to Guy & Sue on their first cruise.
Due to the prevailing atmospheric conditions, an executive decision not to partake of the picnic arrangements was made and Plan B was devised – lunch at a pub was booked en route.
As always, trying to leave the suburbs was a challenge, especially for the large number of cars and taking into consideration early opening hours for Christmas shopping commenced. After a short delay turning onto Fullarton Road, we managed to all keep together mostly for the rest of the cruise (apart from a couple of instances whereby Sunday drivers were driving like ‘Sunday Drivers’).
It was good to see the landscape getting a drink, but would have been better not have experienced it. The scenery, as ever, was lovely – the view down across the Happy Valley Reservoir was definitely that much better the weekend before when the water was blue rather than dirty grey but the sight of a mob of kangaroo’s was definitely worth it.
The silver lining in the weather was apparent when we stopped for Morning Tea at Meadows Bakery & Teahouse – there was ample parking and room inside (no horde of motor bikes to contend with).
It was a short drive after Meadows to Goolwa. We cruised past the original picnic spot and were glad of Plan B, the Goolwa Hotel was a much better option than getting blown away by the wind and/or drenched. We continued down to the Barrages, that quarantine the fresh river water from the salt sea water – one road in, one road out – and so ensued a lively debate as to whether negotiating the ending of the road constituted a U-turn.
Surprisingly, we were able to find sufficient parking for all cars within a short walk of the pub. The Hotel served up some good meals that were enjoyed with great company.
All in all, a lovely wintery cruise for the first day of Summer.
Adelaide Auto Expo
Date: 16 Nov 2019
Location: Wayville Showgrounds
Meeting at Mile End Homemaker we had another great turnout of 7 cars for this show ’n shine. With a 5 min drive from the meeting point to Wayville Showgrounds we hopefully didn’t accumulate anymore dirt on our cars before arriving! We were there a tad early so we waited outside for the gates to open.
Once open we made our way into the check in point and were ushered to our display area where we began to set up. We were pretty lucky to have a decent area allocated to us so we decided to put up our big marquee which in turn maximised our impact in the display area. Once we put some flags up and also some bollards running across the front of our cars we dispersed in all directions, some chilled under the marquee with the rest of us checking out the other insane cars that were on display outside and inside the pavilion. There were some real beauties there including 2 of our members (Brenton & Sue) who had their cars on show inside. Their displays were very impressive and did not look out of place at all.
While that took up a big chunk of the day, mid afternoon rolled in pretty quickly and it was time for the trophy presentation to begin. They had quite a few trophies to give out which was great and our club was lucky enough to win the “Best Club” award, that was my aim going in to hopefully pick this one up and with everyone’s help on the day we did achieve this, thank you to everyone that helped!! I was surprised to have picked up the “Best Stance” trophy also.
Following the trophy presentation we proceeded to move our cars out of the display area in order to allow room for the incoming Zipple Cruise, which normally consists of approx. 400 cars which is a great addition to what is already on display there at the show. Peter Wadham had his Thunderbird there which is always great to see him roll in!
SMASA Fest 2019
Date: 09 Nov 2019
Location: Harts Mill, Pt Adelaide
Meeting at Bunnings Parafield, we had 8 cars attend this cruise. We actually struggled to get parks there which was rare being such a big carpark, they must’ve been selling gourmet sausages on that particular day!
Once we left Parafield we proceeded down the Pt river expressway and instead of going straight into Pt Adelaide we took a quick detour around Outer Harbour coming back through Largs and Semaphore before arriving at our destination at Harts Mill at Port Adelaide.
By the time we got there the carpark was almost full but we were thankful that the organisers had set aside some space for us. Once parked everybody was free to look around at their own leisure at all the beautiful cars, there was a trade display in the factory and food vans outside if anyone felt peckish. SMASA conducted a raffle on the night, our very own Peter and Helen were lucky enough to win a prize! The location was also amazing with a backdrop of the old factory which was right on the banks of the Port river, this made for some great photos!
After we had some food and a chat it was time to set off home, thankyou to everyone that came out and braved the cooler weather.
Whistler Winery Picnic Cruise
Date: 19 Oct 2019
Location: Barossa Valley
It started off a relatively cold day for October, we were hoping for a nice sunny day but had to put up with cloudy skies filled with intermittent rain. After we took off from the Sain ts Road Shopping Centre through to golden grove then on to some nice windy roads through to Gawler. Once through Gawler we made our way to Whistler Wines. We made our way delicately through the driveway, some may say dirt road, others say unsealed but it was ok. We were greeted by Cooper a vocal border collie who just wanted us to play. We joined a few tables together and while some tasted (and purchased) some of the wines others started to enjoy their picnic lunch. The rain persisted a lthough it was light it was nice when the sun finally came out. A few members also tried to enter the Wildlife Park but couldn’t get in much to their disappointment. On our way out from the Winery we all lined up our cars for a photo shoot with the grape vines in the background.
Off to our next destination – The Barossa Chocolate company, yummo! After getting our free samples and watching the chocolatiers hard at work we made our purchases then moved into the café for coffee, hot chocolate and dessert and of course you know who had to try the gelati.
It turned out to be a lovely day in the Barossa, a big thank you to Whistler Wines for accommodating us and the Barossa Chocolate Company. We had a great day and thanks to everyone for joining us on our cruise.
Regressive Dinner
Date: 05 Oct 2019
Location: Adelaide
It all started at Mitcham with dessert, Saudade to be exact – a little shop (now inside the shopping centre) that only does Portuguese Custard Tarts (and drinks) and it didn’t need to do anything else. Chris & Juanita arrived early to hijack all the tables (of which there were only four) and watched as the trays kept emptying in the constant traffic of shoppers. Thankfully, there were more in the oven. Delicious is one of many descriptions of these little tarts.
Chris & Juanita brought a ring - in along, a visitor from the UK who kept Paul company on the cruising parts and from all reports some reminiscing ensued.
From Mitcham, we journeyed up past Windy Point, through Blackwood, past all the South Road roadworks to O’Halloran Hill, across towards the beach and then followed Brighton Road down past Glenelg. From there we ventured along past West Beach Shores and onto Seaview Road Henley Beach, not the best decision for a fine eve ning that brought most of Adelaide out to Henley Square – or so it seemed. From here onto Military Road heading to Semaphore and following the Esplanade along the beach to North Haven. For those who attended the Treasure Hunt cruise, this portion was fami liar. Despite all the roadworks, traffic (vehicle & pedestrian) and traffic lights, we managed to stay together quite well.
We arrived at our main course destination at the Marina – Palermo Café Ristorante. It was quite busy (a good sign) and by the time we were all served (and huge portions they were!) we decided entrée at a mystery destination in Tea Tree Plaza was probably not going to happen. After some chaos with paying (more than one entertainment voucher always appears to confuse the venue s) we again followed the treasure hunt course – Victoria Road, Port River Expressway, Salisbury Highway, Port Wakefield Road and finished up for coffee, milkshakes, ice creams and donuts at Krispy Kreme.
All in all, an adventurous evening was enjoyed.
All Ford Day SA 2019 - Club Display
Date: 22 Sep 2019
Location: Bonython Park, Adelaide
It was a cold and dewy morning to start things off, classic for the annual All Ford Day which our club helps to run. All our members showed up early to help set up the grounds for the busy day ahead.
The club then got to set up our grand display. With 18 great looking cars ready for our display and with help from Brett and Brenton , I got to work on my first club display. The end result looked fantastic if I do say so myself. We could be seen from miles away.
Throughout the day our members were a great help on the gate taking money from patrons, marshalling and helping with judging and in the judging tent entering data. Thanks to everyone who helped, it made everything on the day run smoothly.
When presentation time came, some of our members were fortu nate enough to win 1 st and 2 nd place trophies which they were very proud of and a great representation of the club. A h uge congratulations to Aaron Hadwen for taking out the Blu e Ribbon for p lastic bumper, a huge achievement!
A massive thanks to Sean, Kim and Paul for their work on the day and leading up to the day. It was successful and a fun filled day thanks to them!
Congratulations to the following members who came away with an award on the day .
Sue Hadwen – Winner – FG GT
Brett Moseley – Runner Up – F G GT
John Moyle – Runner Up – BA/BF Falcon
Chris Field – Runner Up – FGX
Aaron Hadwen – Winner – Mustang Plastic Bumper
Aaron Hadwen – Winner – Blue Ribbon Plastic Bumper
KPM Trade Night
Date: 04 Sep 2019
Location: KPM Motorsport Workshop
We started off with a full tour of the office and display area, which included Engineering Development. We were given a full update on the new projects they are undertaking including a dnyo run of the 3.2 Litre Turbo Diesel Ranger Engine. We then moved on to the workshop where we went through the Fuel Injection workshop, some other projects cars they are working on, then then Dave went through the full range of upgrades available for BA, BF and FG vehicles. We then put Juanita’s BF XR8 which is stock onto the Dyno to go through the Dyno tunning and how to be aware of how easy it is to fudge the numbers , overall the car pulled some impressive numbers above spec for a standard Engine.
All in all, an adventurous evening was enjoyed by all except for maybe Chris and Dennis who’s hip pockets have taken a massive hit. KPM have offered the club 10% off on all upgrades and access ories when you mention you are a member of the club.
Chris is looking at holding a Dyno Day with KPM for 2020. Stay tuned for more news.
Greenock Aviation Museum Cruise
Date: 04 Aug 2019
Location: Greenock
It was a sunny winter’s day as we headed off fro m Munno Para. It was funny to see the car temperature gauge showing 9 degrees, as it was on 39 degrees last time we tried this outing!!
An enjoyable drive past rolling green hills and the beginnings of the yellow canola fields until we turned off the Kapunda road and arrived at Lincoln’s wonderful ‘overgrown hobby’ shed – a museum to be proud of! His small models numbered over 1200, and h is large exhibits, pieces garnered from all over Australia, survivors and rebuilds from wars gone by, amazed even the non - aviation enthusiasts amongst us!
We marvelled at the conditions our forebears went through defending our country with such basic mach ines. We had a yummy BBQ lunch, we listened to a unique truck engi ne start up, and waited patiently for another engine which refused to co-operate, and then headed off to Tanunda for more pleasant socialising over milkshakes for afternoon tea. Thanks to al l who joined us on a fabulous day out; for the 21 of us it was certainly a cruise to remember!!
3P Fundraiser Cruise
Date: 27 Jul 2019
Location: Waikerie
When we joined the club 2 years ago, we knew that we might be a bit limited in the events that we could attend due to the 2 hour drive to Adelaide from Waikerie. Every trip we’ve done we have both very much enjoyed with the added bonus of meeting some grea t people so we decided that we would like to host what turned into 3P Day at our house on July 27 th – 3P being the 3 things we love eating most: Paella, Pizza and Pudding! Our great kids were on hand to help with the prep work on the day prior which helped make everything run smoothly on Saturday. It was another gorgeous Riverland winter’s day so when the group of 15 arrived around 11, we took the opportunity to sit outside. John cooked the best paella we’ve made so far, and was also a dab hand at pizza making (his specialty!) getting 8 out in reasonable time. Sticky Date Pudding finished off the meal around 2.30 and while we saw members off after a round 3, our really great kids did the clean up!!
We really enjoyed hosting the group at our home and were surprised to be presented with gifts by Brett on be half of the club . It’s here I would like to note that Robyn (Moseley) really goes out of her way attending to the littl e crafty details with the gifts and thank you card – one very talented arty lady, so a big thank you to Robyn who couldn’t make the day.
Thanks to everyone who made the trip up .
Robyn & John Copeland
Winter Warmer Cruise
Date: 21 Jul 2019
Location: Adelaide Hills
We started the cruise at Newton Village Shopping Centre. It was a lovely day for a drive. We headed out of the car park and immediately improvised on the original planned route (maps and instructions are only suggestions, aren’t they?) but we were glad w e did. It had been a little difficult t o devise a route that the Twilight Hills Cruise had not travelled. Travelling up through the twists and bends of the hills it was gr eat to see some beautiful scenery, if a little eerie for some of us at times. It is truly lovely t o see so much green around for a change. Our first stop was at Melba’s Chocolate Factory where we all indulged in a little luxury, with some venturing next door to the Cheese Wrights shop. Our final destination was the Woodside Hotel. The carpark across the road at the pool looked awesome with all our beasties lined up.
Thank goodness we had booked indoors, outside it was a little chilly and noisy once the band started (not to mention a birthday party had dibs on the outdoor venue). We all enjoyed a lo vely winters lunch from the al a carte men u which was extensive a nd catered for all diets. We did however wonder who had prepared the s pecials b oard and decided that ribs would make a good dessert!! We finished up the meals and thanks to many entertainment vouchers offered, with as many as we we re allowed to use, the discount was donated to our charity. Whilst we had lovely weather to start the cruise, the trip home was not so pleasant – striking thick fog on the way down the freeway – making the decision to leave the ‘don’t get wet/not a boat’ cars at home was a wise one.
Treasure Hunt Cruise
Date: 30 Jun 2019
Location: Adelaide
There were six participating cars meet at the old Port Adelaide Flour Mill on a cold morning to begin this cruise . Part 1 included several stops for answer collecting and to begin the treasure hunting (for those th at read the instructions properly). Collecting then continued to Semaphore, Osborne and Globe Derby before arriving at Krispy Kreme for coffee and a donut (and more answers). It was here the competitors/participants exchanged Part 1 for Part 2. So far, so good – most expressing how much fun they were having and no divorces – yet.
We all enjoyed the stop, with Chris nearly having to kick everyone out to make sure we arrived on time for lunch. Not long after everyone left and Chris & Juanita headed out at which time our first participants arrived at the lunch venue.
Part 2 saw our contestants roaming around Salisbury, Parafield Airport and then a long Main North Road trying to be observant along the way. We had one answer that had changed since the dry run – everyone was given that one. Lunch was lovely at The Gully Public House & Garden – our final destination – with all eventually arriving and speaking to each other – an excellent outcome for at least one team. By all accounts, a fun day was had by all.
We would like to congratulate and thank everyone for playing in the spirit of the day and not appearing to use Mr Google for the answers and also well done for not resorting to the SOS envelopes – our instructions must have been very good. A special congratulations to Sean & Kim for photographic evidence of almost everything, to Robyn for her gymnastics at the canon and especially to Paul for his photo showing us all what 6”is.
Finally, the results:
First - Sean & Kim
Second - Paul & Trudy
Last - Jordan & Billy
Thanks again, and we look forward to participating in the next Treasure Hunt.
Milang Cruise
Date: 09 Jun 2019
Location: Milang, SA
Considering it was the June long weekend we had a great turnout of 10 cars for cruise to Milang, and of course being my first cruise it’s just nice someone turned up at all - ha ha! After a 10.30 departure from the Mie End Homemaker Centre we made our way up to the freeway through the tunnels – love the sound of a V8 through the tunnels with the windows down, even if the weather was a bit cool. After turning off at the Hahndorf exit we cruised down to Meadows. Being a market day at Meadows our usual stop of f spot was full of market stalls, so we decided not to have a break there, and headed straight through to Clayton Bay via Ashbourne and Finniss. It ’ s one of my favourite roads with some nice high - speed bends and luckily the traffic was quite light so we all had a pretty clean run. After a scenic detour through Clayton Bay (yes – it was deliberate) we followed the shores of Lake Alexandrina to Milang.
Because I can’t count, and we also had a couple of extra’s coming along the Milang Pier Hotel frantically put some extra tables together to cater for 19 of us for lunch. After our nice hot lunch by the nice hot fire we were asked by the lovely staff at the Pier Hotel to pose for some photos and video with the band they had playing for the long weekend crowds. We almost felt like the stars of the pub for the afternoon. Either that or slightly awkward!
After the weather holding off for most of the day the heavens finally opened up on the way back home via Strathalbyn. After a few of us stopped off at the bakery (we had to stop at one bakery least) for a bit of dessert, we headed our own way home. Hopefully a great time was had by all - and thanks again for turning up!
Go Karts – Tailem Bend
Date: 26 May 2019
Location: The Bend
A wet and cool morning was waiting for us at Frewville Foodland for our Go Karts Cruise, It didn't dampen our spirits though as everyone was excited to get up to "The Bend" Go Kart track.
We had a very nice run up the freeway and arrived at the track ahead of schedule. After signing in, we suited up with hairnets and helmets (unfortunately there were no beard nets for me!)
After a safety briefing we headed out to our karts and got strapped in. Before we knew it our karts were fired up and away we went!! The initial feel of the track was fantastic as there were a lot of big sweeping corners and a nice long straight to push the karts to their limit, one downfall (some might have seen it as a benefit) was if you went off the racing line there was a fair bit of dirt which made you slide around a bit, there was also some water on the track in certain parts which made things interesting!!
After 3 X 10 mins sessions, the results were tallied with Connor coming in 3rd, Sean 2nd and Declan was the Go Kart champion for 2019!! Congratulations to everyone!!
Following the racing we ventured over to the main race building to have a look around, there were some cars doing laps of the bend track as part of a drive day which was cool to see.
Some members were wasting away (Declan) so we made the short trip to the Tailem Bend Hotel. After ordering we had a short presentation of trophies etc and then proceeded to enjoy our meals. Thank you to the guys at Tailem Bend Hotel, the food was fantastic.
After lunch we said our goodbyes and started our drive back down the hill, the weather wasn't the best with fog and rain in parts, but it cleared once we got through the tunnel.
Thank you to everyone that came, it was a great day!!
Twilight Hill Cruise and BBQ
Date: 04 May 2019
Location: Adelaide
Trying something different, this cruise on Saturday afternoon / evening allowed people to carry out normal Saturday business, be it shopping or sport ing activities and still have a cruise.
We met at the Newton shopping centre at 3.15, in a big puddle that wasn’t there the we ek before. The weather looked threatening but thankfully the rain stayed away.
10 cars set off and cruised up Gorge road pass ing the upside down car and on to Cuddly Creek, Lobethal, Woodside and Narine. Here we joined the Old Princess Highway, and followed the road back to Adelaide used by everyone before the freeway way built. We passed through Little h ampton, Totness, Hahndorf and Stirling before joining the freeway for a short time as the old road doesn’t exist now . Taking the Eagle on The Hill turn off we e xperienced the old treacherous (fun in a Ford) ride down to the Devil’s Elbow. We finished with a climb up to lofty Mount Osmond and a windy ride down to the suburbs, where Trudy had a feast awaiting us.
We had a great BBQ and entertainment supplied by the night time V8 supercar race in Perth, which Ford won. Special thanks to everyone for all the salads and desserts and Pete and Helen for their excellent sweeping.
Easter Breakfast
Date: 21 Apr 2019
Location: Thorndon Park
With rain imminent the destination was changed the night before from Hazelwood Park to the good old faithful Thorndon Park where protection from the rain was supplied by the huge shelter there. With Brett and Robyn already at the destination, Paul and Trudy met the 7 cars at Bunnings Parafield to lead them up to Thorndon Park. Of course it didn’t rain while we enjoyed our breakfast (only when we were setting up) but the shelter did keep us warm and sheltered from the wind.
The Easter bunny had already been by the time everyone turned up and left us all treats on the table to enjoy. Everyone helped cook the BBQ Breakfast and we all sat down and filled our bellies with lots of bacon, eggs, sausages and the normal breakfast trimmings. We even had dessert after breakfast with Gorgeous Bunny Butt cup cakes, slices and delicious cake balls. Of course the hot cross buns were forgotten but everyone got to take some home to enjoy later (we were so full anyway!)
Congratulations to Helen Wadham for winning the “Easter Hat” competition, it wasn’t a hard decision, seriously who couldn’t go past an Easter Ford hat. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and thanks for coming!
Ferries Cruise
Date: 07 Apr 2019
Location: South Australia
We started off early at Tea Tree Plaza with 10 cars. The Minetts arrived and Trudy was suitably dressed for our “fairies” cruise, only to find out it was a “ferries” cruise not a “fairies” cruise (but she looked very nice!!)
We wound our way through the Adelaide Hills via Chain of Ponds, Gumeracha, Birdwood, Tungkillo, Palmer and onto the Mannum Foreshore for a delicious morning tea full of Helen’s goodies.
After a short stop at Mannum we headed to the ferries for our first crossing. It was then onto Purnong where we had to wait for a short time because the ferry could only take 8 cars. Our next stop was at Walker Flat, again we needed 2 ferries to accommodate our numbers. From Walker Flat we drove on to Swan Reach where we all enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Swan Reach Hotel and admired the great river views.
The roads we travelled along were in very good condition and we covered 311 kms altogether. On our way home several of us visited the Lyndoch Bakery for the second week in a row, then all headed home on our separate ways.
All in all we had an awesome day and we thank all the members who came and made it such a good day.
Kegel Bowling
Date: 31 Mar 2019
Location: Tanunda
A cloudy sky worried the nine cars that showed up at Munno Para shopping centre to begin the Kegel bowling cruise. It was a great turn out with a great bunch of people to lead on my first cruise, being at the front of the pack was a fun for a change. We took the back streets through the hills and made our way to Tanunda where Terry from the Kegel Bowling Club welcomed us and introduced us to the game, all its rules and scoring.
After all members had played a round we decided to set up for lunch. With the help of a few members we had a marquee set up and two tables full of food. Everyone chipped in and brought either something savoury or sweet to put on the table. With home baked goods, meat platters, chicken and salads everyone had a plate full of food and a full stomach by the end of it.
When lunch was finished we headed back inside and had another round of bowling. By end of it we had a tie, Sean Malone and Chris Field both scoring a whopping 39 for only two rounds (the scoring was a bit different to 10 pin bowling).
We then packed up and made our way to the Lyndoch bakery (after being informed by Mr Wadham about half price ice creams). The members enjoyed iced and hot coffees, milkshakes, cakes and of course ice creams. This was where the journey ended for the Kegel Bowling Cruise as everyone made their own way home.
A big thank you for everyone that joined me on the cruise and for bringing something to share for lunch. It was a great day out with an awesome group of people.
Old Skool n New Age Show n Shine
Date: 16 Mar 2019
Location: Morphett Vale Football Club
Arriving at the usual early meet time of 6:30am at Castle Plaza Edwardstown, we had a great turnout of 11 cars.
After a brief chat we headed off to Morphett Vale so we could arrive and set up. We had a change of route due to the lovely roadworks at Darlington which ended up being a great way to go, so we will remember that in future! We arrived at the oval just before 7am which gave us plenty of time to set up. After a slight change in display we were all set up and cleaning away.
Once we were finished it gave us a chance to step back and admire how good our display looked with the new marquee, flags and table covers that we have recently purchased. We had some great comments throughout the day on how good we looked. We had fantastic weather which in turn brought a lot of people through the gate. All throughout the day we had people coming up to talk to us and enquiring about the club etc, so that was a very positive sign. After a drone incident we just relaxed for the rest of the day until it was time for the Trophy presentation.
Congratulations to Sue for getting TOP 15 trophies for both her Mustang and GT, we were also lucky enough to pick up the TOP CLUB trophy also!! After we all packed up, we said our goodbyes and set off on our journey home.
Thank you to all that helped and made it a great day, its greatly appreciated!!
Mystery Cruise
Date: 17 Feb 2019
Location: Adelaide Beaches
The pressure was on, our first go at organising a cruise, a mystery cruise at that. We met at Keswick at a civil 10.00 o’clock on a perfect Sunday morning; everyone had a guess at our final destination based on clues on the flyer. We set off and cruised down Anzac Highway, Brighton road and Lonsdale Highway. All the while Trudy entertained with historical facts and property investment tips. After crossing the Onkaparinga we headed to the coast, and followed the Esplanade down to Port Willunga for a photo op. and wee stop. After the break we diverted from our planned route to see some of the local award winning housing, which really entertained some of the drivers. We headed inland to throw a bit of confusion into our final destination, returning to the coast and ending up at Maslins Beach (not the nudie bit). There we had a picnic lunch overlooking the sea.
Congrats to Tony & Lee for picking up on the “Bathers Optional” clue in the flyer. Thanks to Chris and Juanita for their excellent sweeping, and all those who attended. Paul & Trudy
Presidents Cruise
Date: 03 Feb 2019
Location: Kapunda, SA
Well the Mercury tipped at 39 degrees, but that didn’t deter a hardy group of 16 people from enthusiastically doing a modified Northern cruise, amended last minute from the planned Greenock Aviation museum cruise that will now be in a couple of months time when the weather supports the event!
We were pleased to welcome a new member – Michael, and Richard for his second cruise with son Zeke, along with lots of “oldies”, and our young Moseleys! The hills and paddocks through to Kapunda were so bare and dry, but we still saw ‘Map’ the Miner standing sentry at the entrance to the town, a reminder of SA’s early days. We had a snack at the bakery ready for our meandering drive through the back roads of the Barossa, to then come to the picturesque Tanunda, and visit the old fashioned milk bar “Sweet As”, that reminded us of Happy Days diner! Some great laughs as we sat round the booths and shared holiday stories, sampled ice-cream and milkshakes, before some photos of our beautiful cars as usual, and farewelling friends to make our way home. Thanks to all who braved the heat, and looking forward to the museum and BBQ another day!
Clare Bakery Cruise
Date: 19 Jan 2019
Location: Clare, SA
10 cars met at The Angle Vale Shopping Centre for our Clare Bakery cruise. We headed out toward Tarlee to meet John and Robyn so 11 cars left Tarlee and headed to Clare, it was such a beautiful day for a cruise, not too hot and not a cloud in the sky. We arrived at lunch time at the Clare Rise Bakery, it was so relaxing and fun and the food was delicious, even the views from the Bakery were picturesque. While we were having lunch Helen suggested we go home via Tanunda where the annual Hot Rod show was on. The drive to Tanunda was amazing, we all drove on a roads we have never travelled previously. We had the best afternoon looking at the most beautiful Hot Rods in Tanunda, it was a great day with the Car Club family.
New Year’s Cruise 2019
Date: 05 Jan 2019
Location: Adelaide Hills
We had a nice group of 9 cars attend this cruise, meeting at the Tea Tree Gully Hotel. The weather was just about perfect as we set off through Chain of Ponds. After getting split up we regrouped at Lobethal and made our way through Woodside, Mt Barker then onto Strathalbyn. After negotiating a bit of traffic we reached Goolwa and made our way down the Main Street and down to the Warf where we parked and set up for our picnic lunch on the foreshore. We had a lovely backdrop of the water and Hindmarsh Island Bridge with a few boats cruising by as we enjoyed our lunch. The weather got a bit cooler at one point and we even had a few drops of rain which helped lock in the dust that we already had on the cars from the car park.
After lunch we chatted for a while then packed up ready for the trek home. After cruising through Pt Elliot and Middleton we got onto Victor Harbor Road and made our way back via a standard coffee stop, this time at Villis Mile End. It was a decent run for the cars to start off the New Year. Thanks to everyone that made the effort to come along.
Eligible Cars

FG XR6 & XR8

F6 Typhoon


Focus ST




Mustang GT


Capri RS3100

Capri Clubsprint

Mondeo XR5

Mustang 2006

Sierra RS Cosworth

Force 6 & 8

F6 Tornado



FPV BF Pursuit

Fiesta ST

Escort RS2000

Focus XR5

Fiesta XR4

AU XR6 & XR8

EL XR8 & XR6


EF XR6 Wagon

Focus RS