Events 2021
After a short pause of events in early-mid 2020 due to COVID, the events team has ensured that we made up for any missed time with lots of exciting cruises and events happening.
That philosophy extends us into 2021 with another busy year!
Feel free to check out the newsletters from 2021 below and previous years on the other events pages to see what our very active club gets up to.
All upcoming events are also posted in Upcoming Events.
~ Just Cruising - Feb 2021 ~ Just Cruising - Apr 2021 ~ Just Cruising - Jun 2021 ~ Just Cruising - Aug 2021 ~ Just Cruising - Oct 2021 ~ Just Cruising - Dec 2021 & Jan 2022 ~
Past Events of 2021
All Ford Day SA 2021
Date: 17 Oct 2021
Location: Oakbank Racecourse
Well the biggest weekend of the year for the club had finally arrived!! It started on Friday afternoon with a few members making the trip up to Hahndorf to their accommodation for the weekend, we thought this would save us some stress out of the weekend by not driving up and back each day. The members that stayed up had a great dinner at the Hahndorf Inn that night followed by a couple of games of pinball!!
Saturday was all about set up, we arrived around 9am to a lot of busy bees already at it, there was lots of work to do but thankfully, given it was at the racecourse and fully fenced we could get almost fully set up for Sunday and leave it overnight. After a big day we had another great dinner with great company at Haus, with the club picking up the bill.
Heavy fog greeted us early on Sunday morning which made the short drive to Oakbank very interesting, was this a sign of how the day was going to go? Once we arrived, we set up what we had left over from the previous day, the fog lifted and we started on the club display. Everyone chipped in and before you knew it we were all done, it was perfect timing as the gates were about to open and we had to get the entrants through the gates and set up in their areas.
As the day went on there was still plenty of jobs for members to do with judging, manning the gates and public car park, and of course all the behind the scenes jobs which nobody sees. The amount of work that everyone put in was monumentous and the day seemed to run very smoothly.
Sedan Pub Lunch Cruise
Date: 26 Sep 2021
Location: Sedan Pub
What fantastic weather we had and a great turnout of 17 cars for our cruise up to Sedan. For a change we decided to meet at the Pelican Plaza carpark at Ridgehaven. Usually, it’s pretty empty on a Sunday morning but at least one other car club had the same idea. So that turned out to be a bit of a bonus as we could not only indulge in HJ’s for a coffee or late breakfast we could check out some other cars before departing.
After about an hour and a half cruise through the hills via Williamstown and Mount Pleasant we finally arrived at the Sedan Hotel where our rather large booking of 28 members necessitated us having the entire dining room to ourselves.
After we had our tucked into our nice lunch – and some of us were lucky enough to get stuck into the meat mountain (highly recommended), Brett welcomed our new members Bruce and Marleen Benfield, Mark Winter and newbies Gavin and Belinda.
A great thanks to the staff at the Sedan hotel for not only for a great meal but also allowing us to arrange our cars out the front of the pub for a great photo of our cars all lined up, although we had so many cars, we couldn’t fit them all in. After we all took our happy snaps of our cars we headed off, some via Sedan Hill through Angaston and some in other directions... Hopefully a great day was had by all.
Hosted by Dennis
Collingrove Hill Climb with MOCSA
Date: 12 Sep 2021
Location: Collingrove Hill Climb
What a cold and wet morning it was when we all set out from Saints Shopping Centre making our way to Mount McKenzie to watch the SCCSA Hill Climb Championships at Collingrove.
We started out with 10 club cars, Maughan Thiem with Mike Perry and guests and a group of 9 cars from MOCSA we had a fairly good run all the way to the event.
Unfortunately it was too wet, cold and windy to put together our club display and erect the marquee however the Sporting Car Club of SA were kind enough to let us use their clubrooms with a great view of the track. Due to the weather some races were delayed and some even cancelled but our club members still had the opportunity to participate in 2 parade laps around the circuit where the sun was kind enough to pop its head out of the clouds and the rain eased just for us. Our members left soon after lunch leaving the team from Maughan Thiem and MOCSA at the track where we took a drive to One Tree Hill stopping at the Blacksmiths Inn for a refreshing ale or two.
Thanks to everyone that made it out on the day and made it a great cruise.
Hosted by Pat and Cassie
Waikerie Show ‘n Shine Weekend
Date: 30 Apr 2021
Location: Waikerie, SA
We started off at Bunnings at Munno Para, with 7 cars, our first stop was Truro where we enjoyed a nice lunch at the bakery. Then off to our accommodation at the Berri Hotel, once we all checked in we went and washed our cars ready for the Waikerie show n shine the next day. We had a couple of late comer arrived and we all sat down for a meal together at the hotel.
We were up early on day two to travel to Waikerie for the show and shine, stopping a Nippys we were met by some more members and then made our way to the riverfront where other members were already waiting for us on the oval. This is the first time the show had been held at the local footy oval as it was getting too big for its previous location. We had a wonderful time looking at all the other cars and the market and rock ‘n roll and line dancing clubs doing their thing. The club display looked brilliant and Brenton won second place for his car. The show finished around 2:30 and after we packed up we made our way back to Berri hotel for some R&R. Dinner was booked at the Mallee Fowl Restaurant and we were being picked up at five. Our driver was on time and even had a joke or two for us, was nice to be chauffeured there so everyone could relax have a drink if they wanted and not drive home. The restaurant was a bit of a strange old place, don’t think there was any space on the walls even had Emus walking around with the customers. The food was great and everyone had a good time there. After getting the bus back to the hotel we called it a night.
The next morning we were up and ready to get back to Adelaide. We travelled onto Waikerie and stopped at the bakery for breakfast / brunch where we had a lovely time chatting and taking in the wonderful view of the Murray. After filling our bellies we were back on the road again back to Adelaide. Hopefully everyone had a very good time away.
Hosted by Tony and Lee Barbaro
High Tea / Power Run
Date: 17 Apr 2021
Location: South Australia
We all met at Krispy Kreme on Port Wakefield Road in an uncontrolled manner. We proceeded to Pat and Cassie’s house. Because Tony forgot to get a sweeper going (that was a bit silly wasn’t it) we soon sorted that out at Pat and Cassie’s’ house when we dropped all the women off. The men then proceeded out onto Main North Road, right onto One Tree Hill Road and then proceeded on to Humbug Scrub Road which took us through Cockatoo Valley and the finally we ended up in Gawler. After navigating our way through Gawler we ended up at the St Kilda hotel for a refreshing beverage.
Then back on the road again down the new Northern Expressway down to Port Adelaide and making our way to the Largs Pier hotel, here a decision was made for either ice cream or another refreshing beverage, the refreshing beverage won. Back to our cars again, down the Esplanade and back onto the Northern Expressway again heading back to Pat and Cassie’s house.
Meanwhile back at Pat and Cassie’s the ladies had a lovely afternoon of delicious cakes, sandwiches, sweets and many cups of tea (well, mostly tea). Many shenanigans were had with funny photos taken in front of the picture wall and lots of laughter.
After both groups enjoyed their separate activities, we all joined back together in the evening to enjoy a lovely barbecue dinner with lots of salads and sides (and more sweets of course!).
Overall, the cruise and the high tea were a great success and we can’t wait to do something similar again very soon!
Special thanks to Pat and Cassie for graciously allowing us to have the high tea and dinner at their house! As well as a big thank you to those who brought sweet treats along for everybody to enjoy together!
Thanks again to all who came and made the day so much fun!
Hosted by Lee, Tony & Rhiannon Barbaro
Prancing Pony Event
Date: 21 Mar 2021
Location: Prancing Pony
Mike Perry invited the club along to support the dealership on this event, which we were more than happy to oblige on this occasion.
We had a great turn out meeting at Maughan Thiem early. It was a joint cruise with a few cars from MOCSA and friends of Mike along with some Maughan Thiem mustangs. We headed off together up Port Road towards the freeway and eventually arrived at Prancing Pony Brewery after travelling up through Hahndorf.
After setting up we were offered free coffee which was a nice surprise (thanks Mike!) there was a great mix of cars on display and the weather was fantastic.
The brewery also had some lunch specials on that most of us decided to try, it was all very tasty!!
Early arvo came along and it was time to depart, thanks again to Mike Perry for the invite, Maughan Thiem want to make this a yearly event for which I am sure the club would be happy to be involved again.
Hosted by Brett Moseley
Fleurieu Cruise
Date: 07 Mar 2021
Location: Fleurieu Peninsula
We all met at Hungry Jack’s on Anzac Highway for a caffeine hit to start the morning and even breakfast for some.
Following a quick start up instruction we headed off. Trudy was panicking with 15 cars in tow and with good reason as Pat managed to get lost within 15 minutes, Cassie managed to get him back on track and we made our way south through Happy Valley, Clarendon, Kangarilla and McLaren Flat.
We had morning tea in McLaren Vale where there was lots of chatting and catching up with each other.
After more coffee and some yummy slices (thanks Trudy) we ventured off to our next destination. There was a right turn into the busy McLaren Vale weekend traffic that took some time but we all managed to catch up and regroup into our convoy and continued on through Willunga, Mt Compass and the final run down the roller coaster road into Middleton.
Another right hand turn that proved to be more painful than the last one, but eventually we all made it to Port Elliot (thanks to the cockle train stopping traffic for us).
Our lunch was in Commodore Park (yes you read right) on top of the bluff, with lovely views over the south coast. With so many shining fast Fords maybe they need to change the name of the park.
After lunch we made our way home stopping at the Strawberry farm in Mount Compass for ice cream and coffee. We all had a lovely day with great company. Thank Pete and Helen for sweeping with such a large group.
Hosted by Paul and Trudy Minett
Small Ford Show 2021
Date: 28 Feb 2021
Location: Birdwood Motor Museum
While finishing our delicious ice-creams at 48 Flavours on our previous picnic cruise, the small Ford owners amongst us decided that we would attend the Small Ford Show being held on the following Sunday.
So, within a week we had 6 of the club's small Fords all lined up in front of the Gumeracha Town Hall ready for the short trip up to the Birdwood Motor Museum. While waiting we had a few waves to fellow enthusiasts and even had a couple stop to follow us into the show. As the gates opened at 8:30am we set off with Kim driving the 'Big Ford' support vehicle to carry the club marque, which we couldn't fit in any of our small Fords!
On arrival we signed in on our COVID's apps before being greeted by the organiser and advised where to park. Due to COVID restrictions we had to spread the cars out, so we only had a basic display. However, the 5 Focuses and 1 Probe all looked great lined up in the sun together. After parking up everyone got their cars cleaned up, with a couple of the keener members taking a bit longer than the others!
The show had a great display of smaller model Fords with about 80-90 vehicles in attendance, including some very nice older style Escorts, Sierras and Cortina's and newer XR5's, ST's and RS's.
The small Ford members had a great day out, some talking of modifications being planned or comparing those already completed... there's always room for more mods! We were also visited by a few members that couldn't shrink their large Fords in time!
We were also able to check out the Motor Museum as well which is always great to see what has changed inside. The museum had a few new displays inside, including the new interactive displays and even the new 'Hword' display, which was good to check out the history of the local automotive industry. The day wrapped up with the trophy ceremony and then a quick pack-up. Unfortunately, no trophies were won this year, but still a great day out to see vehicles that are not always out and about. We all then set off to enjoy our hills drive back home, with one member requiring some external assistance from our friends at RAA! (no names shall be given!).
Thanks to everyone who attended and visited, was great to see our small Ford club members out together. Here's hoping we can get all members together in a show again for All Ford Day SA later this year!
Picnic Lunch Cruise
Date: 21 Feb 2021
Location: Adelaide Hills / Hazelwood Park
We met at Newton central and had a nice big group of cars to come along with Caitlin and I as we led them to a picnic lunch. We welcomed a new potential member Sean with a blue RS (yes another focus!). While I knew what was in store for todays cruise some members were surprised.
Todays cruise was a little windy to say the least and while a couple focus’ at the front were having some fun where they could and a GT trying to keep up we stayed as a group and all had a good time, we had one miss a turn off and some that thought there little pocket rockets at home in the garage might have been better suited to the roads instead of their larger falcons (not mentioning any names).
We then made it to lunch at Hazelwood park and everyone dug into the lunch they had brought along. After lunch and some chatting our lovely caterer Lee had made some goodies for our sweet tooth with cookies, rocky road and cannoli’s which were all to die for!
Some time had passed and we started making a move to our next destination. A short drive and we made it to 48 flavours. A new spot for the club to visit and we loved it, while we didn’t try all the 48 flavours of ice cream we definitely gave it a good crack.
Thanks to everyone who came along and braving the hills with me!
Heartkids Show ‘n Shine
Date: 07 Feb 2021
Location: Fawks Reserve
Even with a really early start and the threat of bad weather we still had a great turnout of 10 cars to this show (still no “Big Red” though).
Meeting at the Caltex servo at Arndale we only had 3km to drive to the oval where the show was being held. We were able to line up together and with the big marquee and flags etc put up we looked pretty impressive!! Thanks to Pete for bringing the trailer out, it looked great to have it as part of the display.
Overall there were quite a few cars on show with a great mix of all makes and models, even some retro police cars were there!! After some time relaxing and mixing with other entrants it was time to draw the raffle, Connor and myself were lucky enough to pick up a prize (a bottle of wine and a cheese board respectively). The committee also donated a raffle prize on behalf of the club, which was gratefully accepted.
After the trophy presentation we packed up and headed off, Thankyou to the members who attended this event, it is great to support these causes as a club and to give back every once and a while, also thankyou for the help setting up and packing up the display!
Twilight Cruise
Date: 06 Feb 2021
Location: Adelaide
Something a little bit different for the club and meeting a little later in the day than usual but it started at Krispy Kreme which is becoming more popular for our meet spots (the presidents love for donuts must be rubbing off on members!). We departed Krispy Kreme and made our way along the expressway towards the coast.
Cruising through semaphore then Henley and Brighton while trying to stay as close to the beach as possible. Even though the weather was dark and a little gloomy it was nice to go along the beach and watch some of the waves roll in.
Now moving a little further from the beach we made our way down to Hallett cove where we had made it to our destination at the Boat Shed Cafe which was a new spot for the club and most members.
We all had lovely meals ranging from schnitzels to pasta and pizza which was then followed by coffees and hot chocolates for the members who wanted a nice warm drink to finish off the evening.
Adelaide Auto Expo
Date: 30 Jan 2021
Location: Wayville Showgrounds
A small turnout for this one with 4 cars attending the show n shine. Meeting at Mile End homemaker we travelled the short distance to the showgrounds entrance. After a short wait we were let in to start our set up. Even with 4 cars we still looked good with a black, blue and green cars!!
Once set up we sat back and relaxed while the public came streaming in. Sue and Brenton had their cars on display inside the pavilion and they looked fantastic as always.
Mid afternoon rolled around and it was time for the trophy presentation. Sean received the “Best European” trophy which was very well deserved!! After the trophies were given out we headed back to our display to pack up and head out before the Zippel cars were due to roll in.
Congratulations to Brenton also for picking up the “Best high tech engine bay” trophy this year, well done the GT looked awesome!!
Murray Bridge Lunch Cruise
Date: 24 Jan 2021
Location: Murray Bridge
Our adventure started at Arndale Shopping Centre, we all got there for a 10am departure and it was already heating up (thank goodness for cloud cover). Goody bags in hand (thanks Lee) and with an expected top of 45 degrees we were all keen to get back into our airconditioned cars and get on our way.
We commenced out of the car park onto Torrens road, went up toward the city, through the Dequeteville Terrace roundabouts then onto South Eastern Freeway. We took the Stirling exit to our Morning Tea destination Millis Bakery, there we filled our bellies with Coffee and Cakes.
Off to the Italian Club in Murray Bridge we found some nice roads along the way. We made our way down to the waterfront where our lunch destination was located. The meals were beautiful, some enjoyed the famous “hanger” schnitzel, so called as it “hangs” off the plate. After everyone finished their meals we all went as it was too bloody hot to do anything else.
Presidents Cruise 2021
Date: 09 Jan 2021
Location: Adelaide Hills / Barossa
We had a pretty warm day for the first cruise of the year but nevertheless we had a fantastic turnout of 14 cars for this run.
Meeting at Munno Para shops, we huddled under the little bit of shade that was available before setting off. I was hoping to take peoples minds of the heat with my cool Hawaiian shirt but I don’t think it was very effective.
We hit the road and headed up past Craigmore but before we got to Kersbrook, we had to pull over as Rocky had some overheating issues, at that stage it looked minor so we headed off again to our first stop. That first stop was Linfield Road Wines. After a quick history lesson from Steve about the winery it was time for some tastings. The backdrop was great as some members went outside to relax as others were enjoying the wine.
After a short drive we arrived at our lunch stop at Eden Valley Hotel. Casserly had a great spot outside set aside for us, luckily it wasn’t too hot out there! The food came out relatively quickly and by all accounts there were no complaints. The misters were great as it did drop the temperature a few degrees.
After another short drive we stopped at Menglers Hill for a quick photo op, then it was onto the Barossa Chocolate Factory for ice cream and chocolate, the air conditioning was a welcome relief also!!
Thankyou to the members for coming along to my cruise and making it a good one!!
Eligible Cars

FG XR6 & XR8

F6 Typhoon


Focus ST




Mustang GT


Capri RS3100

Capri Clubsprint

Mondeo XR5

Mustang 2006

Sierra RS Cosworth

Force 6 & 8

F6 Tornado



FPV BF Pursuit

Fiesta ST

Escort RS2000

Focus XR5

Fiesta XR4

AU XR6 & XR8

EL XR8 & XR6


EF XR6 Wagon

Focus RS